

So long as the renovation is well executed and any redesign has broad appeal, it could enhance, not only the amenity for the owner remaining in residence, but also the market value for a future sale.

A Rising Market.

Depending on market conditions at the time including supply and prices trends it may prove more cost effective to renovate and stay rather than sell and buy a more modern property in the same area if a key motivating factor is to stay in or around the particular suburb.

The work is done.

Rising building are a factor in the buyer’s consideration when selecting a property consequently making properties in need of renovation less attractive to them. If the works are completed then not only the value but also the saleability of the property could be increased subject to the time elapsed before eventually going to the market.

Stay longer.

The nature of the renovation is important for instance the installation of a domestic lift or any design feature that might make the property more liveable to those less able may extend time the current owner may stay in residence and also add appeal to a future buyer seeking similar amenity.

Make sure you are getting paid for you time and input.

Notwithstanding any overriding factors, it would be reasonable  that any renovation cost would create a margin in value for the owner. In simple terms if the renovation cost, say $200,000 it would be reasonable that it would add $280,000 - $300,000 in value to the property regardless of wether the intention is to sell immediately or not. To spend $200,000 dollars on a renovation to add that same value to the property would mean the time and inconvenience and most likely stress involved in the process was not considered and the owner has contributed this at no cost.